Spiritual Machines

Emergent Behavior

September 14

What do we retain about our humanity through cultural shifts that leave us accelerated far beyond what our ancestors dreamed of? Emergent Behavior is a program of multimedia time-based works celebrating technology as a steward for vivid sensory experience; mechanization in harmony with the delight of subjective human perception.

Featuring performances by Saltzshaker, Nico Cadena, ExquisiteCorp, Ethan Shoshan, 502 Bad Gateway, and Teresa Wang.

Saturday, September 14, from 1-5pm
Flux Factory at 404A Colonels Row, Governors Island

Poster by @502.bg and @zackhandle

A Flux Factory community event organized by:
502 Bad Gateway, Lee Tusman, Zack Handler


Saltzshaker is the DJ and sound art project of Emily Saltz. She is host of Discobog on WFMU, where she plays Shoe-gazey, freak-folky, glitch-poppy grooves and sound collages inspired by international bogs and wetlands.


Lee Tusman is a New York-based new media artist, educator and organizer applying the radical ethos of collectives and DIY culture to the creation of aesthetics, and open-source distribution methodsof digital culture.

Teresa Wang

Teresa Wang is a New York-based artist curious about intangible interactions and objects that have agency.

Nico Cadena

Nicolas “Nico” Cadena is a Colombian-born filmmaker and artist based in NYC exploring film’s poetic potential in both digital and analog formats.

Ethan Shoshan

PSA: objects in motion will stay in motion unless forces are acted upon it - a workshop on vestibular therapy.

502 Bad Gateway

502 Bad Gateway is the artist duo of Alexander Baumann and Robert Ruth whose shared practice spans experimental film, live performance, fine art, and installation.